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Holy Family Hearts® In Polished Brass Tiny Version

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U.S. Patent No. D1012750

Holy Family Hearts Jewelry 

Handmade in the USA
This Holy Family Hearts ® necklace shows all three Sacred Hearts of the Holy Family. The Holy Family is the Most Iconic Family in the world. The Holy Family is Jesus Christ, The Virgin Mary, & St. Joseph. The Holy Family Hearts® Necklace Displays all Three Hearts of the Holy Family; Jesus's Sacred Heart, theImmaculate Heart of Mary, The Most chaste Heart of St. Joseph. The Catholic Pendant Shows the Holy Family Hearts® in This Special Way: Jesus's Sacred Heart is nestled in between Mary's Immaculate Heart and Josephs Chaste Heart. Just as they were on the day Jesus was born in that simple Stable. Here at the Little Catholic We have a Devotion to the Sacred Heart so its no wonder that we have the Largest Selection of Sacred Heart Jewelry.

Inscription on The Back of the Holy Family Hearts Pendant:
"In These Three Hearts I place my trust"
Holy Family Hearts Prayer:
Heart of Jesus, I adore You,
Heart of Mary, I implore you,
Heart of Joseph, pure and just,
In these three hearts I place my Trust.


-Is this a gift? Purchase a little Black bow, Click Here.


Necklace Material:

Medal: Polished Brass

Chain: Gold Filled

Medal Size: 3/4” X 1/4”


Medallion is polished brass. Each medallion is handmade and hand polished. Expect variation in hand polishing swirls. Expect variation in markings as well. You are welcomed to request photos of the current batch prior to purchase. The chain is gold filled. Necklace should not be worn in the water or during sweat inducing activities. Do not wet your necklace.  It is normal for the polished Brass medallion to get darker over time. The great thing is its solid polished brass so you could either have it re-polished or you can clean it yourself. See How to clean Polished Brass Medals Blog.


What else is the Holy Family Hearts® Jewelry Available in?

-This Holy Family Hearts Necklace is also Available in Sterling Silver, CLICK HERE.

-This Holy Family Hearts Necklace Design is also Available in a Holy Family Hearts Ring, Click Here.


If You'd Like any of the Holy Family Hearts® Necklaces in Single Hearts?

You're in luck! We have the Holy Heart™ Jewelry Collection, Click Here. The Holy Heart™ Collection Has Each Individual Heart Sold Separately. Click Here to See the Holy Heart™ Jewelry Collection. The Holy Heart™ Jewelry Collection has the Sacred Heart of Jesus Necklace, Immaculate Heart of Mary Necklace, & the Chaste Heart of Joseph Necklace


U.S. Patent No. D1012750

*Copywright 2020 The Little Catholic

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Amy Joyce (State College, US)
Dainty and beautiful

This was a gift for my daughter. It is lovely! Very dainty and feminine. Also, I had forgotten to add a promo code to my order, and their Customer Service was so helpful and courteous in handling that for my account after the fact.