Self-love and how it changed my life
Priscilla H·February 23, 2020

Self-love and how it changed my life
Self-love - a topic that people often associate with loving the way we appear on the outside, or by giving ourselves a little TLC.
Yes, all of that is important, but honestly, it's about loving what is on the inside. Loving the way that God created us to be. He created us to be unique, giving us each a distinct set of gifts and talents to share with the world.
Learning to love yourself can be like learning to take a compliment. For some, this is extremely easy to do; for others, it is awkward and uncomfortable. I was definitely the type that it was awkward for me to learn to love myself.
I was in a bad relationship, the person always tore me down and w r e c k e d my self-confidence. They constantly pointed out my flaws and pushed me back into my shell. The emotional damage that relationship ruined any self-love I had accumulated to that point in my life.
After leaving that relationship, I had to start over building a love for myself. I had to try again and see the beauty God created within me.
I began doing this by writing down one thing I liked about myself in a note on my phone every day. I also spent time with the Lord in adoration; I would sit there silently and ask Him to show me how to love like Him.
You see, you can't love anyone else until you love yourself.
As Saint Augustine said, "God loves each of us as if there were only one of us."
You can't devote yourself to loving God if you don't love the very being He created you to be. Always remember that He created you and that right there is reason enough to be loved.
In learning to love myself, I began seeing a change in me. I was happier, more devoted to the Father, to my family, and to my friends. I was more confident, and I began to grow into the person I was created to be.
It helped me to learn to trust God and let Him lead me in the path He made for me.
You don't have to sit in the mirror for hours on end, brushing your hair, and staring at yourself. You don't have to love yourself in a way that is narcissistic by any means, but learning to appreciate the talents you have and accepting your flaws is important. It's essential for you to succeed in life and to be happy.
Learn to love yourself, learn to love the talents you have been blessed with, and learn to accept your flaws.
Written by Emma Lou

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