Mothers Day Gift Guide

- My Baby Necklace - Which is a little Heart Shaped Locket with a tiny baby foot on the front and a little CZ. Click Here.
- The Little Baby Necklace - Has a tiny hand and foot on the medallion to remember her tiny baby in heaven. Click Here.
8) Our Headbands
Our Headbands have been a huge hit. We have a Variety of colors and styles. These Headbands will elevate moms outfit instantly and make her look even more Gorgeous than she already is. Click Here.
9) Nails DONE!
Give Her a Gift Card to get her Nails Done. Theres something about getting your nails done that makes you feel pretty good!
10) Book a Massage
Book a Massage for mama. Massages are a must have!!
11) Free Gift Ideas
- Clean her home
- Do the Laundry
- Clean her Car
- Offer to watch the Kids while she naps
- Offer to watch the Children for the Day so she can have some alone time
- Help her with an idea she's been wanting to execute
12) Lash Lift
Gift Mom a Lash Lift at your local Lash bar. I highly recommend this. It makes you looks like your lashes are always curled. It can last up to a month.
13) Gift Basket
Create a gift basket of all of her favorite snacks. Often times mom's snacks get eaten by the kids so giving her a little secret stash for when the kids are asleep can be a gift in itself (:
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